Natural CDC dry fly
Dry fliesDry fly in a very natural colors where the body has beed made by interesting the Flat Quill tinsel. It is slightly transparent and I like it for years, I am using also this material for small nymphs.

Brown CDC dry fly
Dry fliesA simple and effective dry fly in a classic brown colour. The body has been made by delicate and very well dubbed on the thread the Spirit River Fine & Dry dubbing, which also works well on nymph patterns.

HL hopper fly
Dry fliesThis time I have tied very easy pattern from the foam, on which I like to tie various well-floating flies. Patterns of this type are very popular in USA for trout fishing, but in our situation not only for trout, chub, ide also.

Hair Caddis
Dry flies100% hair pattern inspired classic the Elk Hair Caddis, from which it differs by the missing hackle of the body because I removed it due to a squirrel dubbing.

CdC Midge dry fly
Dry fliesEach of us has met on the river (in particular in late autumn or in winter) situation when the fish are taking something from the surface. In general these are micro flies called midges.

CdC dry fly with yellow synthetic quill
Dry fliesCdC dry fly in one of the most popular colours which you should have in your fly box. Body in this dry fly pattern I have tied from new material on the market, this is the Synthetic Quill Body Wrap (brand Hareline).

Goddard Sedge – dry fly
Dry fliesThe Goddard Sedge is undoubtedly well known for most fly anglers and simply to tie classic dry fly pattern.

Grey CdC Caddisfly
Dry fliesMaybe this is not a beautiful dry fly, but one of those which you must have in a fly box. In May or June during the evening fishing has given me a lot of good brown trout in the Vistula river.

Griffith’s Gnat
Dry fliesGriffith's Gnat is one of the easiest and most popular dry flies in the world. Two materials and small hooks are enough.

Hot Sedge Fly
Dry fliesThe beginning of summer is always for me the time of the caddis and its evening outings, during which catching a few fine Vistula trout did not pose any major problems.