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Brown mayfly

The brown mayfly is my basic dry fly after the olive and gray imitation of this type. With these three basic colors, we can handle most spring situations.

Olive emerger

Spring this is a time when first bigger mayflies will appear and in that time I like to use a emerger type of flies. In many situations, when the dry fly is not so effective, it is easier to tempt the trout using fly under the surface, using the emerger.

PF Mayfly nymph

Imitation of bigger spring’s mayfly nymph wherein I have used for the body a strip from the pheasant primary or secondary wing feather.

Black&Orange Blob

An extremely simple fly and two basic materials, and the result is a great fly for lake rainbow trout. Of course, it will also work well on the river and when fishing for brown trout.

Bornholm shrimp fly

This time, something simple to catch the Baltic sea trout, which are caught by an increasing number of fly anglers on our coast and other fisheries, such as the Bornholm island.

Extended Body Mayfly

Dry fly fishing with a big mayfly imitation this is the best kind of trout’s fishing.
In this pattern, the body of the Mayfly has tied of foam, and this is an extended body.

Pearl Minnow

Pearl Minnow this is a minnow pattern where I have used a two main materials: synthetic hairs for the tail and pearl minnow tubing. This pattern works well for species like trout, chub, perch – I have catched them for this fly.

Lead Wing Coachman

The Lead Wing Coachman is a classic wet fly, it’s a typical Coachman only made with slightly darker wings. Thanks to this fly I’ve caught many brown trout, chub, dace and even grayling. Of course for grayling you may need a smaller hook.

Pink & White Killer

This fly is fabulously simple to tie and extremely effective with rainbow trout. During the last late autumn trip to Skaliczka (a reservoir in the Czech Republic), half of the trout I caught were on this fly.