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Rusty Emerger

That kind of flies I have loved for years, are simply to tie and very effective then we fish under the surface (similarly like wet fly – my favourite method).

Grey CdC Caddisfly

Maybe this is not a beautiful dry fly, but one of those which you must have in a fly box. In May or June during the evening fishing has given me a lot of good brown trout in the Vistula river.

Grayling jig nymph

Something simple and very quick for a grayling season. In this jig nymph I have used an interesting synthetic material the Quill Body Pearl, which samples I have had the opportunity to test more than a year ago.

Frog fly

Frogs are one of the favorite early spring delicacies in the diet of large brown trout or sea trout, other species like pike and bass like them too.